

An American couple was among three missionaries who lost their lives due to violence in Hait

An American couple was among three missionaries who lost their lives due to violence in Hait

An American couple was among three missionaries who lost their lives due to violence in Hait

On May 25, 2024, a lamentable occurrence happened in Port-au-Sovereign, Haiti, bringing about the passings of a youthful U.S. minister couple and a Haitian partner.

The couple, Davy and Natalie Lloyd, along Jude Montis, the overseer of Missions In Haiti Inc., were ruthlessly killed by gangsters.

The assault occurred in the Lizon people group in northern Port-au-Sovereign as they were getting back from a young gathering action at a nearby church .

Setting of the Viciousness

This lamentable occasion is set against a background of raising savagery in Port-au-Sovereign, where packs control roughly 80% of the city.

The capital is in strife, with specialists anticipating the organization of a Kenyan police force under a U.N.- supported mission to reestablish order.

The security situation in Haiti has fundamentally changed, with boundless potential viciousness influencing day-to-day existence and causing various setbacks.

Victims and Their Background

The victims, Davy (23) and Natalie Lloyd (21), had deep roots in Haiti.

Davy grew up in Haiti, speaking Creole before English, and returned with Natalie after completing Bible college in the U.S. to continue their humanitarian work.

They were passionate about their mission, aiming to help the Haitian people through various community projects and services .

Jude Montis, who had worked with the Lloyds for two decades, was also killed.

Montis was a key figure in the mission, leaving behind two young children .

Details of the Attack

The night of the attack was particularly harrowing. Gang members stopped the Lloyds and Montis, assaulted Davy, and stole their belongings.

As they sought refuge in a nearby house, the gang opened fire, killing the victims and setting their bodies on fire.

The brutal nature of the attack underscores the extreme violence perpetrated by gangs in Haiti.

Family and Community Reactions

The news of their deaths has devastated their families and the broader missionary community.

Natalie’s father, Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker, expressed his profound grief on social media, highlighting the loss of two dedicated individuals who were deeply committed to their mission.

Alicia Lloyd, Davy’s mother, spoke about her son’s multifaceted talents and the couple’s unwavering dedication to their cause ​​.

Political and Social Implications

This incident highlights the severe security crisis in Haiti. The U.S. Department of State has reiterated its “do not travel” advisory for Haiti, emphasizing the need for swift international intervention.

Gangs in Haiti, such as those led by notorious leaders like Chyen Mechan and General Jeff, have been responsible for widespread violence, kidnappings, and large-scale attacks on government infrastructure​​ .

Call for Action

The killings of the Lloyds and Montis have prompted calls for immediate action to address the security situation in Haiti.

The U.S. government, along international partners, is urged to expedite the deployment of the Kenyan-led mission to restore peace and stability in the region​.


The deaths of Davy and Natalie Lloyd, along with Jude Montis, are a tragic reminder of the dire conditions in Haiti and the risks faced by those working to make a difference.

Their legacy, characterized by love and dedication to helping others, will continue to inspire, even as the world seeks solutions to the rampant violence that claimed their lives.


What happened on May 25, 2024, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti?

  • On May 25, 2024, a tragic event occurred in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, resulting in the deaths of a young U.S. missionary couple, Davy and Natalie Lloyd, and a Haitian colleague, Jude Montis. They were brutally killed by gangsters in the Lizon community as they were returning from a youth gathering activity at a local church.

Who were the casualties in the episode?

  • The casualties were Davy and Natalie Lloyd, a youthful U.S. teacher couple, and Jude Montis, the overseer of Missions in Haiti Inc.

Where precisely did the assault occur?

  • The assault occurred in the Lizon people group in northern Port-au-Ruler, Haiti.

What were the casualties doing at the hour of the assault?

  • The casualties were getting back from a young social event movement at a neighborhood church.

Who was liable for the assault?

  • The assault was done by hoodlums; however, unambiguous characters or pack affiliations have not been definite in the given data.
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